How to Cook Beef Tenderloin

How to Cook Beef TenderloinBeef tenderloin is a very delicate cut of meat and requires great care in preparing and cooking it in order to bring out its true flavor. Not taking the time to learn how to cook a beef tenderloin properly can result in a culinary disaster; plus a waste of a great piece of meat.

To ensure that you know how to cook beef tenderloin correctly, be sure to follow these expert tips:

  • Be sure to cook your beef tenderloin for a short amount of time Unlike heartier cuts of beef, tenderloin is so delicate that cooking it too long will not only ruin the flavor, but make it tough.
    • Never cook a tenderloin more than medium rare to ensure the best (and tastiest) result.

    • Never put a tenderloin in the oven cold. Always let it sit out at room temperature at least half an hour before cooking.

  • Always tie your tenderloin with butcher’s twine before cooking. This will keep the ends from curling up and getting hard.
  • Be sure to sear your tenderloin on each end for two minutes before oven baking.
  • Rub the meat with olive oil, salt and pepper and then place a 400 degree oven until the internal temperature reaches 125 degrees (this will take between 30-50 minutes).
  • After taking your tenderloin from the oven, be sure to let it rest in its own juices or at least 10 minutes before serving.
    Learning how to cook a beef tenderloin isn’t just a good idea, it is a must to ensure a great dinner worthy of the price you paid for your main course.


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