How to Cook a Steak on a Gas Grill

Some grill snobs would make you believe that the only way to cook a great steak is on a charcoal grill with specialty wood chips to enhance the flavor. Don’t fall for this fallacy. You can learn how to cook a steak on a gas grill and get the same great flavor. All you have to do is follow these simple tips:

How to Cook a Steak on a Gas Grill
  • Choose your steak wisely. Do not pick a cut less than 1 ¼ inch thick (anything thinner than this will dry out); and no thicker than 1 inch (a cut thicker than this is difficult for anyone but the most experienced griller to cook properly).
  • Score, or slice your steak about every inch or so. Learning how to cook a steak on a gas grill successfully requires keeping it from curling while it is being heated.
  • Since gas grills aren’t as hot as their charcoal counterparts, it is very important to heat your grill as hot as possible before attempting to cook any type of meat – but especially steak.
  • Be sure to lightly oil the grill bars before laying your meat cut on them (otherwise you risk the steak sticking)
  • Season to taste
  • Be sure to position the steak on the hottest part of the grill, but not directly over the grilling bars since this can cause a flare-up.
  • Be sure to flip your steak every 5-8 minutes for even cooking.
  • Take off grill and then let stand for 5 minutes before serving (this will allow the juices to make their way through the steak, making it taste even more tender and delicious.
    Taking the time to learn how to cook a steak on a gas grill is a great idea; especially if you don’t have the time or talent for charcoal grilling.


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